
Meet our delighted customers who have happily joined us and are relishing our outstanding services.

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Karen Macha

Karen Bureau De Change
"The system is one of the best i have ever used it is easy to use and manage, the support we get is top tier and quick"

-- Forex Bureau System

Elinawinga Kereth

General Manager
Marangu Forex Bureau LTD
"The new system (Web based) creating huge efficiencies in the process across our Branches. It has been extremely helpful, friendly and responsive. The Team seems to understand the needs of our business that why they provided the best on running our day-to-day business. I would definitely recommend this VSD FOREX BUREAU system to be used as the main system to all Forex Bureau businesses not only for the user-friendly tool (front page and navigation) and its ability to store and share data, report running, security and reliability but also for the exceptional relationship with the users behind the service. VSD Team always seem to be evolving because they listen to their client’s feedback - therefore, this system will be a tool fit for the future of our Forex Bureau business and organisation. Thank you, a lot!"

-- Forex Bureau System
"The software performs better compared to the previous version, the software loads faster and it is flexible you can open and log in at any network and be able to process data. So far the software suits our demands well"

-- Forex Bureau System

Jennifer Shija

General Manager
Kadoo bureau de change

VVSD To exceed our 'clients' expectations, and to be acknowledged in the market place for the quality of service we provide.